How to Analyze Your Company’s Performance Using Our Financial Performance Analysis Tools
iCFO’s Business Performance Scorecard is designed to provide a comprehensive benchmarking analysis of a company’s performance through Liquidity, Asset Efficiency and Profitability Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), including a Common Size Analysis.
Watch our video tutorial on how to analyze your company’s performance using our Business Performance Scorecard Module:
Key Features
For each KPI, you’ll see six points of data conveyed in a user-friendly chart: one pertaining to your company and five from industry peers from the top 10%, 25%, 50%, bottom 25% and 10% of performers.
You can detect financial weaknesses easily with the module’s color-coded benchmarking displays that graph your company’s performance and illustrate how you compare against industry peers.
The Common Size analysis shows itemized Income Statement and Balance Sheet data alongside industry data, allowing for comparison and immediate detection of discrepancies with a variance analysis.
Liquidity KPIs include: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Current Liabilities to Net Worth, Current Liabilities to Inventory, and Total Liabilities to Net Worth.
Asset Efficiency KPIs include: Collection Period, Inventory Turnover, Assets to Sales, Sales to Net Working Capital, and Accounts Payable to Sales.
And, Profitability KPIs include: Return on Sales, Return on Assets, Return on Investment, Profit per Employee, and Sales per Employee.
The Benefits
The Business Performance Scorecard helps you save time by allowing for quick and easy detection of financial weaknesses and strengths across Liquidity, Asset Efficiency and Profitability KPIs as well as itemized Income Statement and Balance Sheet accounts.
“As a business owner or advisor, we know your time is precious; and understanding where time and resources should be spent in performance optimizations are paramount,” said iCFO Account Manager Mark Anthony. “The Business Performance Scorecard makes this an easy and efficient analysis, allowing quick detection of financial weaknesses so that targeted efforts could be made to optimize performance.”
This module has all the financial performance analysis tools you need to not only understand your company’s financial performance, but also gives you the opportunity to compare it against industry peers across KPIs – so you can improve your company’s performance.