Business & Industry
Analysis Made Easy


Sound Financial Analysis & Industry Benchmarking at Your Fingertips.


Accurate Snapshot of Your Business’ Financial Health – In Minutes!


Trusted. Reliable. Safe. Secure.

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Sound Financial Analysis & Industry Benchmarking at Your Fingertips.


Accurate Snapshot of Your Business’ Financial Health – In Minutes!


Trusted. Reliable. Safe. Secure.

What say about us

Stephen Densham

Senior Consultant
Vermont Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

iCFO is an extremely valuable resource in our SBDC “toolbox”. A business owner’s two responsibilities are (1) build value in their business (2) to remove obstacles to productivity and profitability, so that the business can grow in value. iCFO’s seamless Business Valuation and Business Performance Scorecard resources as well as the Compare and Spread resource support these two key elements and are easily understood by my clients without “dumbing it down”. The Industry Metrics features are timely, relevant and accurate which serves to validate any bottom-up projections or assumptions. All in all the iCFO resources play a valuable role in support of client strategic, planning, loan requests and general ‘what do we need to stop doing…what do we need to start doing….what do we need to continue doing?’ that is a key to business growth and success…

Dan Luck

SEN Design Group
Senior VP

As a new business owner early in my career, I had a burning desire to know where my business compared to others in my industry. Were we above average, below average, or somewhere in the middle? That early desire fueled a lifelong passion for discovering tools and processes that provide benchmarking reports. iCFO is an excellent resource for any business yearning to compare its performance with peers. Today, as an industry consultant, coach, and teacher, I use the platform with other businesses to help them gauge where they are and map out strategies to make them better tomorrow than they are today.

Gregory Lewis

Business Advisor
Connecticut Small Business Development Center

As a long-term user of iCFO and its earlier incarnation as FINTEL, the company’s products have proven to be invaluable to me as a small business advisor; considering (1) startups require reasonable benchmarks so that they can plan for growth, and (2) more established entities can assess their viability for investor/loan funding, and (3) companies that are looking to transition via a sale require a workable valuation – iCFO’s suite of reports provide precisely what my clients required over the years. Given the wide range of businesses and industries assisted by our agency, it would be extremely difficult to function without this incredible tool.

Virgel Conner

North Texas Tyler Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Senior Counselor

I have been using iCFO for several years. The reports that we obtain are used to support our proformas for the client, lenders, and the Small Business Administration. SBA requires the Small Business Development Centers to include assumptions with the financial section of the business plan and iCFO is a proven source of our information.

Ervin Hughes, Jr.

Executive V.P.
Level3 Corporation

“Level3 Corporation is a management consulting firm and I’ve been using iCFO for many years to produce detailed and easy to understand financial performance analytics as deliverables for my coaching clients to teach them how to better manage and finance their growth. We have used the Business Performance Scorecard as a complimentary offer to obtain new qualified clients!

Chris Erwin

Business Advisor
North Dakota Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

iCFO has been a critical tool, as a business advisor, in assessing the financial health of client’s businesses. Being able to compare financial information with competitors allows me and my clients to have detailed conversations and make informed decisions.

Paul Smith

Center Director
North Dakota Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

As a business advisor, iCFO has been a valuable tool in helping me assess the financial health of a company compared to industry norms and identify areas that can be improved. I also appreciate the color-coded, client-friendly reports, which I review and discuss with business owners.

Financial Analysis Simplified. One Integrated Suite of Tools.

Business Analysis

Answers come easily with iCFO. Review ROI, sales per employee, profit margins of the top 10%, top 25%, & more, to identify areas of concern & opportunity. Examine “what if” scenarios and P&L impact of reducing costs or adding revenue.

Your Business’
Health in Minutes

It takes only five minutes to enter your data and produce a concise profile of your company’s fiscal state, including critical business ratios focusing on liquidity, profitability, asset efficiency, & growth.

Trusted. Reliable.
Safe. Secure.

Make sound business decisions, underpinning your recommendations with financial data that’s passed 200 cleansing points and been refined using time-tested statistical logarithms.


A snapshot of your company’s financial state – liquidity, profitability, asset efficiency, and growth – compared to industry peers and competitors.


A comprehensive analysis of your business performance across major financial indicators and all key ratios. Scenario planning helps you project future perfomance of actions you choose to take.


A review and comparison of the financial performance of privately-held companies in a specified SIC/NAICS industry segment, using industry standard benchmarks.

The Next Generation of
Financial Intelligence.