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Financial Analysis,

4 Secrets of Success for Small Businesses

Between 2013 and 2014, over 5% of 14,405,210 businesses surveyed closed their doors due to inefficient cash flow. A lot of things can go wrong for an entrepreneur, but if you plan ahead and determine a specific goal, understand your market, choose your location wisely, and conduct a proper financial risk analysis, your chances of […]

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Financial Analysis,

Using Financial Statement Analysis Software (Correctly) Can Save Your Small Business

In previous blog posts, we’ve told you that one in four businesses fail during their first year. That number increases to 36% by the second year, 44% by the third year, and 50% by the fourth year. Since small businesses are the lifeblood of any economy, that’s a disturbing set of data. Even worse? It’s […]

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Financial Analysis,

3 Reasons You Need Professional Help With Financial Data Analysis

Every business — no matter what the industry or field — eventually comes down to bottom-lines and profit margins. No matter how great a product or cause you might create and represent, it does no good if you can’t keep your doors open. That’s where financial data analysis tips for beginners and experienced business people […]

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Financial Analysis,

Here’s How Advanced Financial Analytics Software Can Help Take Your Business to the Next Level

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace over a multitude of industries, and the corporate world is scrambling to catch up. It seems as if the bottom falls out for a major corporation every single day, and you need the best tools possible to ensure that your company isn’t next on that list.

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Financial Analysis,

Make Better Business Decisions with 5 These Tips

Starting a new business can be difficult. Nearly one quarter of all businesses fail about one year after they open. Nearly 50% of all new businesses go under within four years. Many do not succeed, because they cannot get access to enough start up capital. Others go under because of sheer incompetence, which accounts for […]

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Financial Analysis,

Small Business 101: How to Calculate Total Current Assets

When it comes to running a business, the difference between success and failure can depend on a multitude of things. However, some key aspects of maintaining a well-run organization are often overlooked by novice business owners, which can lead to failure. One of the most important factors of successful business ownership is taking the time […]

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Financial Analysis,

The Importance of Utilizing Financial Statement Analysis Software for Small Businesses

Unfortunately, there is no step-by-step manual for running a successful, profitable small business. With so many outlying factors and variables that are beyond your control, it’s important to pay attention to the factors that are within your control, such as financial analysis.

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Financial Analysis,

Benchmark Analysis: An In-Depth Look

Running a business, big or small, comes with a set of difficult obstacles that must be successfully tackled before becoming truly successful. This is evident in the statistics surrounding small business failure:

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Financial Analysis,

Financial Risk Analysis: An In-Depth Look

One out of four businesses fail after their first year. The number of failed businesses grows to 50% by the end of their fourth year in operation. About 5% of these businesses fail because of inadequate cash flow or sales. Many business owners know this is the way the corporate world works but don’t take […]

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