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Learn How Your Company’s Finances Change Over Time

Easily View Yours & Your Competitor’s Financial Trends As a business owner, it’s important to know how your finances have changed over the years. Then, you can make better decisions moving forward by analyzing past business moves.

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business performance
Financial Reports,

How to Analyze Your Company’s Performance Using Our Financial Performance Analysis Tools

Benchmark and Understand Your Business’s Performance If you are looking for a way to analyze your own or your client’s company performance, you’ll need to first grasp a good understanding of how the business is performing comprehensively.

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how well can your company pay off its debt?
iCFO Videos,

How Well Can Your Company Pay Off Debt?

Improve Your Business’s Liquidity Now Liquidity is an important calculation that businesses need to determine how well they can pay off their short-term debts. The business intelligence tool, iCFO, offers a Liquidity module to improve your Net Balance Position – your status when you have outstanding debt. 

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Measuring your company’s profit is one of the most important things you can do as a business owner.
iCFO Videos,

How Profitable is Your Company?

How Profitable is Your Company? Measuring your company’s profit is one of the most important things you can do as a business owner or business advisor. Most likely, a profitable company is a financially healthy company. Our Business Intelligence tool, iCFO, analyzes your profit and shows you areas where you need to improve.

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statement of shareholder equity
Financial Reports,

Statement of Shareholder Equity

Statement of Shareholder Equity The fourth financial statement, called a statement of shareholder equity shows how shares, total equity and ownership types have changed over time. It reconciles the activity in the equity section of the balance sheet from period-to-period. So when you see the “snap-shot” of a balance sheet from one year to the […]

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cash flow statement
Financial Reports,

The Cash Flow Statement Explained

Do You Understand Your Cash Flow Statement? In many businesses, income and cash flow are not always the same, which leads to the need for a cash flow statement showing the exchange of money between a company and the outside world over a period. The cash flow statement reconciles opening balance of cash (as opposed […]

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balance sheet
Financial Reports,

Understanding Your Balance Sheet

Creating and Working with Your Balance Sheet A Balance Sheet is a statement showing the assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity of a business. It provides detailed information in a specifically defined format. As the name implies, a balance sheet must be in balance – meaning: The total value of the assets must be the same […]

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income statement
Financial Reports,

A Detailed Income Statement Example

Understanding Your Income Statement An income statement is typically prepared at the end of a business period (such as a Fiscal Year or Quarter) to assess profit or loss. It can be thought of like a motion picture. It reports how a company performed during the period presented, and shows whether that company’s operations have […]

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the basics of the financial statement
Financial Reports,

Fundamentals of Financial Statements

The Fundamentals of Financial Statements In general, financial statements show you where a company’s money came from, where it went, and where it is now. For example, did it come from sales, investments, or loans? How was it spent? How much was spent, how much is available and how much is invested?

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